Wednesday 26 June 2013

Running in Buayai

Its been a long time since those brief adventure race days but one goal was to get the miles back into the legs as I'm now in a job that doesn't suck every minute of potential enjoyment out of my day!! Something I remind myself of anytime the day ain't going well which thankfully ain't often.

So about three weeks ago in the worst physical condition I have been in for years, maybe ever, I decided to run down by the reservoir, a popular spot with the locals! Damn I was slow, stiff, extremely red faced with water leaving my pores as if under pressure! BUT, here's the thing running in my town is what I imagine running feels like for Mathew McConaughey!! Or to put it another way; I'm fully expecting to look around and see the neighbourhood running behind me and if there was a series of steps I'd be Rocky!!

I love running here, the standard is poor so I actually look fit, people are saying hi, smiling, giving me thumbs up (sometimes I am seeing these people six times a session, that's a lot of smiling), one girl keeps dropping the sexy eye, asking how many laps I did, staying around to see when I finish, attempting to chat to me afterwards and I am convinced due to the mass exodus when I stop that the people are running harder to try and beat the Falang (Thai word for foreigner) which only encourages me to run longer!! I beat my time and added a lap today so the legs are nearly there! If I can stay injury free I'll be at my best by August.

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