Wednesday 10 July 2013

Teaching the Police!!

Friday afternoon and I was well on my way to kicking off the weekend in Khon Kaen when I was informed I would be teaching the local Police some key English phrases in about an hour! There goes my last bus!

We got to the station not knowing anything really and entered a small conference style room with about 8-10 people, that quickly swelled to 20-25 armed police officers! A little daunting at first but 30 seconds later it was like a duck to water! Did some greetings and than common police commands like, "stop", "hands up, do you have any weapons" and "you are under arrest". My particular favorite was "drugs". They weren't getting it so out comes the wallet and credit card for my demonstration of chopping the drugs and snorting it! Whether they were impressed or not I don't know but they definitely got it!! We had some banter and surprisingly got paid with the experience worthy of a missed bus.

I did make it to KK and the less said about that weekend the better; watch as payment, man demanding 300 baht, two hotel rooms, amazing pizza, one bottle of rum and one shot glass please,  Blues, Rad, U-bar, blackouts, double big Mac, MK, cut elbow, banter #tour #dangerous

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